Monday, April 19, 2010

A Huge Success! 大成功!

On the 27th of last month, the Kanoya International Exchange Association , in conjunction with my myself and some local foreign residents, ran the 2010 Earthquake Charity Event to help the victims of the recent earthquakes in both Haiti and Chile. Around 50 people attended on the night as well a number of performers and volunteer staff who helped the event run smoothly.


The event started out with a quick and easy English game to break the ice followed by a violin performance by Ichiki-Kushikino ALT Ciorsdan Brown. After Ciorsdan's short performance, local Kimotsuki ALT two-piece 'Dr. Spaceman' did their first official performance which was definitely a 'psychedelic' experience.


Many of those who attended we unaware that Ciorsdan Brown is also a singer/hip hop artist who released an album early last year. So after 'Dr, Spaceman' finished up, Ciorsdan came back on the stage and gave Kanoya a taste of her unique brand of Scottish hip hop.


To finish off the night, and help to raise extra money, we held a number of charity auctions. A number of artists from the Yanedan artist village, as well as a foreign artist from Kirishima, donated works to be auctioned on the night and Asian Folk Museum offered a experience package including a henna tattoo and coffee voucher at the facility. A number of local foreign residents (myself incuded) also volunteered to have themselves auctioned off on the night in the name of charity. A date with me ended up costing the the winning bidder 3500 yen, but some of the female ALTs went for a lot more than that.


This was definitely one of the best events we have seen in Kanoya in a long time and as a result of everyone's hard work we managed to raise 133,722 yen, half of which was donated to Haiti and the other half was donated to Chile through the Red Cross. Thanks to all the participants and those who attended; you really helped to make a difference to those affected by this tragedy.


Thursday, March 04, 2010

I'm Back!!! 帰ってきた!!!

G'day everyone,

Long time no see! I went back to Australia for my Christmas holidays, came back to Japan for New Year, started back at work and it's already March...Where does the time go?


Anyways I am going to try and update this blog more this year (I say this every time don't I?) so stay tuned. In the meantime we (KIEA) have two events coming up in March, the first is our annual Kin-Ball tournament so if you are feeling like getting a bit of exercise while having fun and interacting with the local foreign community here in Kanoya, make sure you come along.


The second of our events is the Kanoya International Charity Night. As you are all aware there was recently a number of huge earthquakes in both Haiti and Chile so a few of the local ALTs (in conjunction with KIEA) have decided to run an international night where all proceeds go directly to those in need.


There will be food/drinks, games, auctions as well as live performances from a number of talented foreign residents living here in Kagoshima. So if you are interested in making a difference and having a fun night out in Kanoya get in contact with the KIEA office ASAP. For more information see our homepage at


OK I will speak to you all soon but in the meantime here are some pictures of my recent trip back to Sydney.
