Thursday, November 05, 2009

We Came 5th!!! 5位になった!!!

G'day everyone,


How was everyone's summer? I have tried to update this so many times in the last few months but I always have other work to do (this week is no exception).


My summer started off with the Kanoya International Exchange Association's (KIEA) biggest event for the year - The Kanoya Summer Festival. This year's dance was a mix of New Zealand and Japanese traditional dance that was choreographed by Ms. Kakiuchi and myself.


It took us almost a month just to come up with the dance and we had 4 practise sessions ( before the actual event (because a lot of the poi moves were difficult for beginners). On the day though, everyone performed the dance perefectly and as a result our team was awarded 5th place out of the 40 or so teams that participated.

そのダンスを作るには一ヶ月ぐらいかかった。後、ポイの技が結構難しかったので、本番の前にも皆で練習( )を4回行ってた。しかし当日、皆は約2時間ぐらい完璧に踊れてた。そして、そのおかげで今年の40チームのうちに鹿屋国際交流協会は5位に選ばれた!!!

After the summer festival was finished I went to Amami Ooshima for the first time with my motorbike and a tent and travelled around for about a week. Amami is such a beautiful place and I was really impressed with the 'island culture' that they have there, it so different from mainland Japan. I wish I could have stayed there for longer but I had to come back to Kanoya for work.


Which reminds me, did you all come to the Kanoya Asian Festival that was organised by the Kanoya International Exchange Association on the 11th of October? In was on the same day as the Osumi Lakeside Festival and was held during the day.


There was a concert, games from around asia, food (BBQ chiken from the Phillipines, Chinese food and Thai curry) as well as a short chinese language lesson/ mini concert using chinese instruments. It was a really awesome day and people from all over the prefecture (I met some people there from Kagoshima city and Satsuma Sendai) came to enjoy the asian culture that Kanoya has to offer.


There won't be any events this November (because I will be busy going with my Cross- Cultural Lecture at Rina City as well as my Mid Year Conference in Tokyo) but make sure you get in quick for the Christmas event in December because it is always very popular!


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